Careers Software Engineer


Work location Da Nang, Vietnam
Employment status Full-time employment
Employment period Contract employment (based on labor-related laws)
Employment type Software Design
Language English
    – At a minimum, the ability to interpret data sheets in English is required.
    – Provide TOEIC or other official test results.
    – Japanese language skills are preferred.
    – Japanese language training is available.
Job description

We develop software to be installed in products such as automobiles, consumer products, industrial equipment, power electronics products, etc. We use the C language as the coding language and design and develop embedded systems using microprocessors (ARM, RENESAS, etc.).

Research and develop various algorithms to suit the hardware platform and technical functional requirements of the product, and then apply and customize them. 

 Conduct evaluation tests using prototypes with software verification tools, related measuring equipment, and environmental test equipment. Also develop software to operate the evaluation and verification tools. 

(3)Deliverable Creation and Review
 Create specifications, drawings, etc. related to the product. Respond to reviews and inquiries both internally and externally, and create documentation such as explanatory materials and reports. Conduct comprehensive inquiries and consultations with customers, vendors, traders, and international partners regarding product design and specifications.

We are looking for the above engineers, but since there is a lot of interaction with the Japanese side, we are also looking for employees who aim to become so-called Japanese-Vietnamese bridge SEs.

Working hours 08:00~17:00